[email protected]
I must confess that I'm not a vixen. I can't complain about the quality of the donor
, but something goes wrong even in his presence. Yesterday at the school there was a Holiday concert. One 6 years-old girl was late, kids were sitting on the stage so dense that she could not take steps to get to her place and I lifted her helping to get to the stage right from the hall. The poor thing has asthma and is overweighted. Well, I thought of myself as simply a younger person, so I should be fit to help her bent granny - but I should not do that. I was to the doctor today, and it looks like my old troubles come back to me. I was moving freely for almost 4 years, I was fit and forgot those stupid restrictions: weights, running, jumping! I try to calm down thinking of all other things that could affect that really bloody test and that I used to live for 13 years with restrictions for weights and like, and those years were still bright and interesting times. What am I weeping about? Could I be depressive? I don't want to tell that to Luo the Elder - I'm afraid to upset him. And don't want to lie to him.
Hope the Holidays will bring me some relief.
Well... Yesterday it was not so bad. We had a lenten (with fish) lunch. My students gave me my teacher's ration of brandy chocolates, balsamic vinegar, maple syrup, olives stuffed with dried tomatoes, cherries in Belgian dark chocolate and a few tea bags. Even the price tags were removed. Cool, isn't it?

Hope the Holidays will bring me some relief.
Well... Yesterday it was not so bad. We had a lenten (with fish) lunch. My students gave me my teacher's ration of brandy chocolates, balsamic vinegar, maple syrup, olives stuffed with dried tomatoes, cherries in Belgian dark chocolate and a few tea bags. Even the price tags were removed. Cool, isn't it?