One night I walked by a private school in Toronto when a concert was in progress. Bentleys, Rolls-Royces, and Mercedes lined the driveway. Playing around them and on top of them was a family of racoons. Six weeks later, at an exhibition of nature photographs in a local library, I saw a shot of three racoons peering through some leaves. The photographer was a teacher at that private school.

Patterson, Freeman. Photography of natural things. ISBN 1-55263-598-8, the quote is from the chapter "Thinking about nature. Nature in the city."

I'm impressed by the smart animals: they are so snobbish that they would find it beneath their dignity (or simply v padlo :gigi: - how would you translate that?) to jump on a Volkswagen or Lada! :lol: The photos in the book are really interesting and beautiful, and the short explanations by every photo are apt and interesting. :zhosh: But when it comes to the bigger text... An ecosystem, for a better understanding, is compared to a baseball team and so on. :yad: