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One night I walked by a private school in Toronto when a concert was in progress. Bentleys, Rolls-Royces, and Mercedes lined the driveway. Playing around them and on top of them was a family of racoons. Six weeks later, at an exhibition of nature photographs in a local library, I saw a shot of three racoons peering through some leaves. The photographer was a teacher at that private school.
Patterson, Freeman. Photography of natural things. ISBN 1-55263-598-8, the quote is from the chapter "Thinking about nature. Nature in the city."
I'm impressed by the smart animals: they are so snobbish that they would find it beneath their dignity (or simply v padlo
- how would you translate that?) to jump on a Volkswagen or Lada!
The photos in the book are really interesting and beautiful, and the short explanations by every photo are apt and interesting.
But when it comes to the bigger text... An ecosystem, for a better understanding, is compared to a baseball team and so on. 
Patterson, Freeman. Photography of natural things. ISBN 1-55263-598-8, the quote is from the chapter "Thinking about nature. Nature in the city."
I'm impressed by the smart animals: they are so snobbish that they would find it beneath their dignity (or simply v padlo