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The wind hauls and howls. Klavka watches... an oven where the chicken legs are baked. Our camera is locked up at home because outside it is below zero (Centigrade). I regret not bringing a camera on a walk almost two weeks ago to take the pictures of the last white flowers on the underwood meadow and a hairy black caterpillar with a wide ring-like brown stripe.
The downtown of St. Catharines is much more cosy and clean, than here. Nice grey churches with green-blue broaches. Well, there enough of these churches here, but in St. Catharines they are more neat, no "God never goes on vacations" posters protrude perpendicular from their walls. More greens around them. On one square I've seen quite a big creche with the small posters "Happy Hanukkah" and like around it. Kitchy, but neat.
One collegue told me that soon I'd see how unconvenient and not worthy the money are those trips to St. Catharines. What to reply? That I work for a resume? Otherwise I'd join one of my Chinese neighbours who goes on the night shifts packaging some goods at the factory. We'd chatter.
Now I can't go to her place because I'm still sick - nobody lets me to stay at home to recover.
The downtown of St. Catharines is much more cosy and clean, than here. Nice grey churches with green-blue broaches. Well, there enough of these churches here, but in St. Catharines they are more neat, no "God never goes on vacations" posters protrude perpendicular from their walls. More greens around them. On one square I've seen quite a big creche with the small posters "Happy Hanukkah" and like around it. Kitchy, but neat.
One collegue told me that soon I'd see how unconvenient and not worthy the money are those trips to St. Catharines. What to reply? That I work for a resume? Otherwise I'd join one of my Chinese neighbours who goes on the night shifts packaging some goods at the factory. We'd chatter.