Dear all, could you suggest me a page where the traditional bianfu design is shown quite clear and big? The positive meaning of bats in the Chinese culture is mentioned everywhere, but I want to show Klavka those bright and fancy symbols.

25.10.2005 в 21:04

Hi Marta,

try this:

kiss to Klavka and hugs to all of you

Anna Maria

(Halloween kuaile! )
26.10.2005 в 01:43

Cute! Thank you, An-na! :woopie: The design is so clear that I am tempted to copy or print it out to make a not-so-big costume detail even for... myself. Kids will have a parade in our West village and treat at school, so if I can, I'll be there helping (no police check needed :) ).

I also found these in color:
29.10.2005 в 18:00

To tell you the truth, I've already made some copies and will use them as ex-libris, as my cat and my guests probably wouldn't appreciate them as a full-size reproduction in the living room :)

Enjoy also bianfu stamps from Taiwan:

31.10.2005 в 22:10

my cat and my guests

I haven't hear about your cat... And what do your guests have against bianfu (if they know what it is)?
31.10.2005 в 23:18

Well, Marta, my cats is just in the "destroy-everything-which-may-look-like-a-living-thing" phase. Nothing personal against bianfu(s).

About my guests...well, after the release of the "Batman begins" movie, I wouldn't blame anyone for suffering from "bianfuphobia"....

have a nice Halloween!!

Anna Maria

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