That reminds me of an old Soviet joke about a guy who was lucky enough to go for a trip abroad, but could not watch a strip show. Back home he asked his wife to take off her clothes and walk here and there. And he made a conclusion, that the Party cadre, who warned him against watching striptease, was right: that's an ugly show! Now I can add, that hip-hop is and ugly show too. "Sexy 101" - that's the exact name of the new training at the gym - was about very modern dances that consisted of the ass-shaking, jumps and elements of the old Soviet "proizvodstvennaya gimnastika" ("exercises for your industrial workplace" or something like that - if you've seen the Chinese stamps from 70ies with the exercises, you have an idea about it). Perhaps I'm getting older, so that's why I'm so sceptical about it, but I think that the new generations will find these "groove it, move it" as much ridiculous as I find them now.

Klavka was to the pumpkin farm with her school. I warned her that I would not be there pointing fingers at every goat or pumpkin, so she should pay attention to everything, memorize everything, and I will ask her about what she sees on the farm. She could tell me about the trip quite clear, moreover, she had nobody to prompt her the right Russian words for what she had seen, so I was glad to hear about "the toy witches - tall and short - in a dark house (e.g. haunted barn)" and "the sheeps whose defecations have the shape of eggs". :eyebrow: