I've already contacted the Early Words (speech therapists) services. A cry for help: Aque is very slow it acquiring English. The fifth (!) language in her 4 years life. Not to mention Philippino dialects and Ojibway. :) And today on a playground she was playing with two Chinese girls and repeating after them "bu yao" and "bu dong". One more reason to forgive Canada its S.I.N.s is that in the Steel City I practice my Chinese every day. But when Aque starts speaking it even not being aware that she already stepped onto a different communication way (e.g. she makes no difference with English)... I am not blaming myself or anybody. Klavka sees that I talk to Chinese people in their language and she sees them being cheerful (we have lots of nice Chinese neighbours, not like that lady asking me about "krestik";), she sees that we are interested in each other, so no wonder Aque is more atracted to the children of those people. And I don't want to change my lifesityle.

So in the mid. of September Klavka will have a hearing test (she doesn't need it, but the procedure of the speech services starts with this test), then in the beginning of October I will answer the questions about Aque on the phone, then they'll book an appointment to see her personally after that. I hope she can speak English before that.