One more advantage of living in West village: a safe walk in the district after 10:30 p.m.. Today in the morning I've started my exercises without a sufficient warm up and felt that in about 20 minutes after the start. So in the evening I decided to take a brisk walk to Mai Da and back to compensate the "cardio" part of my training and not to repeat that next time - and you see, I'm back safe.

Tomorrow - July, 12 - is Peter&Paul's day. It is said that birds sing untill this day, and on this day "the coocoo chokes with mandryka" - cottage cheese cookies (or thick pancakes?) nowadays simply called "syrnyky". I'll go to the farmers market for some ricotta to fry that exotic treat. :) In my problem childhood :) I also used to hear that "a bad piglet feels cold even on St. Peter's day" - that was about me, as you can guess.

Now I'm not cold. And even get some relief from living in this city while taking pictures in the Royal Botanical Gardens (on Sunday) and bringing Baobeir with us to La Coin de La Famille (on Saturday) - just imagine what a desert it can be that Baobeir is eager to go out to this sort of club.