Harrowsmith Country Life, No. 181

"Bananas are actually sterile and seedless, thanks to 10,000 years of hybridizing and breeding. It seems the seeds of the wild banana (Musa acuminata) are hard and render the fruit inedible. But while sterility makes bananas palatable, it may spell genetic disaster. Without sexual reprodution :doggy: to add a splash to the gene pool, each variety of modern banana is devoid of genetic diversity, thereby making it ripe for desease like no other crop on earth...

"The only option is to find a new variety of banana yet again... [as it was done in the early 20th century by introducing Cavendish sort of bananas]

"Introducing new genetic traits such as disease resistance is near impossible because the banana is sterile.

The Dehli-based centre for Science and Environment detected pesticides in Coke in excess of the limits. Sales of Coke as a soft-drink fall, but farmers started spraying Coke onto their crops of chili and fields of cotton, and claim that it works. It is even cheaper than real pesticides. Experts say, that not pesticide, but citric and phosphoric acids kill insects. "And if it's not the pesticide esidue or the added acids, it could very well be the high sugar content."

07.07.2005 в 06:54

даa, я недавно узнала, что бананы не могут сами размножаться, и была очень удивлена...
08.07.2005 в 00:41

Когда на земле будет покончено с расизмом и языковыми барьерами, я уйду в контору под названием International Network for Improving Banana Culture - или как-то в этом духе, запамятовала, как в статье было сказано - и буду облагораживать бананы. :up:
08.07.2005 в 22:20

так ведь ждать придется долго - люди не очень-то торопятся избавляться ни от того, ни от другого... ))
09.07.2005 в 00:04

Значит, доверяю заботу о бананах в руки Всемирной Бананозащитной Сети. :)

А еще мне индусы понравились. Божественная роса, блин, амрита! :D

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