Mr. Marks knows a lot about me. He knows the reason why I have week-long pauses in my trainings, he knows how many languages I speak (although first he said I was kidding him about Chinese - then he asked me how would he say: "Will you go shopping with me?" and then he believed me). Reading one diary here (who said diaries save time?! once you are on the site, you want to be aware who are your neighbours), where a guy writes very precisely about his workouts, and chatting with Mr. Marks, I got an idea to copy and translate [into all 6 languages] the names of my exercises. Here they are, but I don't give the mass of weights and how many times an exercise is repeated. On purpose.

Legs: wall squats w/ a Swiss ball, stair lunges, leg press, leg extensions*, curls*. (Pick 3 of listed for one workout.)

Back: seated row, lat pulldowns, pull-ups. (Pick 2.)

Chest: press, fly, pushup. (Pick 2.)

Shoulders: machine shoulder press.

Biceps: curls.

Triceps: pressdown, press rope.

Also: "ab" crunches, reverse crunches, stretching, plank on knees.