Perhaps tomorrow I'll get some treatment for my new mania: a principal of the Ukrainian school has asked me to help arranging their library. That will be volunteering. At 7 p.m.. I need to know the bus schedule, or, better, somebody to drive me to "the West village". Not home: the less people know my address, the safier it is for my work with The Agency. The school is in the North, close to the plants, a few bus stops to the East from the city detention.
I've been to that cosy place in April while looking for a job.
That could be a nice scenario for a one page comic strip. Close-up: a big nameboard: "The Steel City and Surroundings Detention Centre". A general plan with well trimmed lawns around it. An abandoned field in front of it - close-up: two groundhogs with shabby dirty tails fighting between old tires. Next panel: two female (although thir gender is very questionable) guardians with coffee from Tim Hortons. Then a face of a guardian, a short conversation through interphone...
I had no "looneys" for a locker in a hall, so when I was called out by a guardian, I rushed through the door with my cell phone in a purse (which is forbidden).
Speech balloons:
- ...I would like to propose you my service as an interpreter...
- Well, is that about volunteering?
Here I would put a series of about three faces, just different emotions. Then, the big "thought balloon":
- What kind of volunteering?! To stay there instead of somebody while he goes to visit his buddies?!
And a stone face. The speech ballon:
- If it is important to prove my professionalism, I'll do that.
Aknowledgements to the neighbour who threw away the the book on cartoons by James Kemsley, from which I've borrowed all necessary terminology.