My grandfather was fascinated by the very idea of internet. He was too old to go to an internet cafe, to learn to surf, but he was very happy for us when in the summer of 2000* we finally got a slow dial-up at home on "Zatreshchina". If my grandfather had AutoCad, Power Point etc. about 50 years ago, he would create a nice virtual tour through a church of Nativity of Virgin Mary: through its space and how it changed during the centuries. That time he only could draw plans, create small construction paper models. The church was built in X century and then renewed, destroyed and rebuilt for many times during the next one thousand years. Last time it was destroyed in the 1930es. On the site of a former church archeologists discovered its oldest fundament, and now it is shown under thick glass. However, now the city major wants to demonstrate his virtues by "rebuilding" the church. And some ***s propose to use my granfather's research and plans to build something of bricks and concrete, burrying - or even destroying! - the fundaments. Not to mention spending funds that could be used for hospitals, schools... Why not just use a small room in one of the neighbouring buildings, at least in the Historical Museum in front of the remains, to show a short documentary about the church, create a virtual tour?!
* Before I'd been downloading your messages via the server of Sergei's intstitute, we had no internet access.