Berlusconi's fat becomes soap

A bar of soap reportedly made from fat pumped from Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi has gone on display.

Artist Gianni Motti claims he made the soap made from fat from Berlusconi's liposuction operation.

It is part of an art exhibition in Basel, Switzerland, where anyone wishing to wash their hands with Berlusconi can buy it for Ј10,000.

The artist who put the soap on display, Gianni Motti, 47, claims to have acquired the fat from an employee of an elite plastic surgery clinic in Lugano in Switzerland.

Motti said: "Berlusconi had face lifting and liposuction operations in a clinic in Lugano, where I have good connections that provided me with some of the fat. It was jelly-like and it stunk horribly, like butter gone off or old chip pan oil."

According to Motti, the artwork called Mani Pulite (Clean Hands) expresses opposition to corruption and mafia structures in Italy, as well as his personal opinion of Berlusconi's policies.

He said: "I came up with the idea because soap is made of pig fat, and I thought how much more appropriate it would be if people washed their hands using a piece of Berlusconi."