Hi guys,
I'm here. I owe you a school-like composition "My Summer" and lots of grotesque comments on my life now.
I am waiting for the Minstry of Labour to start an investigation on my claim (you know what is about), I was told that "since we have an online service, the load of claims was tripled." Something suggests me, that it was not an Internet itself, but a "human factor" that created this big load of claims.
I am looking for a job and trying to take care of my mortal shell. I quit the gym in June, for at least a year, and then we'll see where and how I go back to it.
I have a new friend - we met each other on one of the Russian sites about parenting (the one that used to have and finally banished home-made porn ). We discovered that our common aquintances used to tell us about each other... Tell what? Well, you can imagine... My friend grew up in a Russian-speaking community in the Central Asia, studied in the States and here and was an English as a Second Language and French Immersion teacher, and in her early 20es has a huge experience of all kinds of jobs, communities and lifestyles. She is a mother of an exciting human being - call her a late miscarriage or a triumph of life and a sign from Providence - who was born at 6 (!) months by gestation and now is "like every baby". I'll show you the pictures from our short trips with them (my friend breastfeeds and takes her daughter with her wherever she goes).
We went to Toronto for a few times, as always, museums and salmon roe. And lots of pictures taken there.
The Ukr. school resumed, and I teach there again.