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6 small containers of glitters were used in one week. Then it was a turn of some Play-Dogh, then - of her own hair. She had tried to do something on her dolls, and I noticed that "dolls' hair is not like yours, it will not grow out again". You can imagine the consequences. She wondered, why didn't her hair grow out again right after she had cut it.
In a childrens Eyewitness (R) book on Midieval life she saw a 15th century guilded Flemish shield with the "Princess" (the Beautif Lady), Knight and "Bones" (Death) depicted on it. In this book, there is also a fragment of The Dance of Death. Questions: "Is Princess afraid of the bones?" (she ment a sceleton) etc, etc... All normal questions: I remember myself in her age, discovering Bosch&Co. Perhaps my father's explanations were better than the words I choose to speak to Claudiuccia, but I accepted his explanations as "monosemantic"
and was not scared by the threatening messages on those canvasses. And I was less talkative. I can't make out, is that Aque's own idea, or she was influenced by the kids in her kindrgarten in Kiev - lots of them were watching programs that were not appropriate for their age - anyway, she is convinced that skulls... roar. I've borrowed a book on skin, muscles and bones and tried to explain something on the layers of tissue in our bodies, but she still asks me: "Why does he [a skull] show us his teeth?"
"The lips are made of muscles and covered with skin, here you see only bones, the scull has no muscles to cover the teeth because all other things were removed to show you the bones." I still can't understand if she understands me.
Some time ago I was so upset that my child didn't want to talk...
If I could return to that "some time ago". And not to Neuchatel, but to Luzern, to say...

In a childrens Eyewitness (R) book on Midieval life she saw a 15th century guilded Flemish shield with the "Princess" (the Beautif Lady), Knight and "Bones" (Death) depicted on it. In this book, there is also a fragment of The Dance of Death. Questions: "Is Princess afraid of the bones?" (she ment a sceleton) etc, etc... All normal questions: I remember myself in her age, discovering Bosch&Co. Perhaps my father's explanations were better than the words I choose to speak to Claudiuccia, but I accepted his explanations as "monosemantic"

Some time ago I was so upset that my child didn't want to talk...

If I could return to that "some time ago". And not to Neuchatel, but to Luzern, to say...